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Original Acrylic Paintings
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My paintings of nature and our natural word have inspired me for a very long time. To me our Creator, who is the greatest artist, created this magnificent world and I want to express what I see and feel about it. I'm not so interested in creating a photo-realistic painting but more about what inspired me about it. Nature is full of color, sounds, movement, wind, growth etc. These are the aspects I'm interested in conveying. I hope you feel the beauty in our world as I do.

Mountains are Calling

On the Edge of Fear and Hope large resized

Eye of the Storm

Beautifully Unwanted

Searching in our Dreams

Let Your Dreams Soar

let your dreams soar whole

Light for the Soul

Blended Spirit

Enduring colorful spirit

Peace Blossm original

beauty below whole 300dpi

she chose freedom _96dpi

We Rise Above the Storms

Wise Guardian Owl of the Forest
spirit owl in tree

Flutter in the Rain-SOLD
expressionistic butterflies in the rain

Jewles of Paradise

Butterfly Whispers to Angel Wings
Butterflies flying upward then they turn into Angels
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